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6 Tips for a Successful Moving Day

Moving day can be chaotic and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are 6 helpful hints to make the day less traumatic. These tips are to help the driver load safely and more efficiently and to create a positive moving experience.

1. Be certain someone can be home to answer the driver’s questions. Doing a preload walk through helps alleviate miscommunication between client and driver. If the driver has any last minute questions, the client can give the best answer.

2. Label items you do no want to be loaded. This will help the driver know certain pieces don’t go on the truck.

3. Clear Walkways. Making your house hallways and walkways clear, will make the loading process faster and easier. It also eliminates potential injury hazards.

4. Pack and Label items. Labeling certain boxes will allow for ease of recognition on the other side of the move. It will allow you to specify to the driver, which boxes go into which room when unloading.

5. Emphasize special items. Any boxes you would like to be unloaded first should be indicated to the driver. Usually these boxes include things such as, kitchen supplies, bathroom pieces, and children’s toys.

6. Read your paperwork. Understanding your bill of lading and inventory before signing ensures important information is correct such as, phone number, address, and insurance. If you have any questions be sure to ask for clarification before you sign.